Email subject: Less China-risk for Taiwan, via: 1) my Amazon-/Microsoft-/VC-praised* work, 2+) ... Email body: * Links to the praise are below. Full subject: Less China-risk for Taiwan, via: 1) . . . , 2) my analysis of a THREAT to my industry and to most other people (T2M), 3) a BIG part of T2M is explained by 2022 book
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Email subject: Less China-risk for Taiwan, via: 1) my Amazon-/Microsoft-/VC-praised* work, 2+) ... Email body: * Links to the praise are below. Full subject: Less China-risk for Taiwan, via: 1) . . . , 2) my analysis of a THREAT to my industry and to most other people (T2M), 3) a BIG part of T2M is explained by 2022 book